Seminares Archivi - Yoga in centro - Firenze


By popular demand, Yoga in Centro is thrilled to once again host Alessandro Di Quinzio for a second WORKSHOP dedicated to learning the VERTICAL SKILL.

We will face together, during the practice, all the fundamental aspects for the achievement of this Skill:
. specific conditioning
. active and passive mobility
. proprioception and perception of one’s body in space
. how to deal with the FEAR of standing upside down
. biomechanics of the ascent to the vertical
. alignments and conscious use of the wall
. progressions

Limited places!


Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes – Contribution: € 40

Info and booking:
Lorena +39 338 496 7172
Monica +39 347 696 1312


Presentation of the route

The teaching of the Andean Tradition has been subdivided by Don Juan Nuñez del Prado – who is the one who has recovered and systematised it in thirty years of work alongside the indigenous masters – into three teaching modules: Phaña (the right side), Chaupi (the middle side), Lloque (the left side).

These three modules form the gateway to the resources and knowledge needed by a Paqo (practitioner of the Andean Tradition) and constitute the Amaru Cycle.
Subsequently, for those who wish to further deepen their knowledge of the tradition, there are two more cycles: the Cycle of the Puma and the Cycle of the Condor. Here we will explore the various possibilities of the Paqo to make use of tradition to intervene in the world around him in a competent and effective manner. The modules of the second and third cycles are the result of work carried out over the last twelve years by Dario Astengo – anthropologist and researcher – in the Peruvian regions of Q’Ero, Ausangate and Titicaca.

Completion of all the modules that make up the Amaru Cycle is necessary for access to more advanced training. (info:

✤ Phaña – The Right Side [17/18 FEBRUARY 2024] – 09.30/18.00 –
Conducted by Simone Giannini – at Yoga in Centro, Florence
Connecting to the energies of the cosmos, transforming heavy energies, initiation into the Inka lineage. In this seminar the techniques of the Phaña, or right side of the tradition, from the teachings of the indigenous master Don Benito Qoriwaman of the Wasau community will be taught. The techniques in this module teach how to effectively connect and enter into relationship with the world of living energies that surround us. Activating the power of Yachay, i.e. knowledge through the direct experience of energy, is the mystical and structural side of the teaching. Through the work of connecting with the energies of the cosmos and by receiving formal initiation into the Inka lineage, one learns to manage and transform the heavy energies, to navigate between the different forms of energy and relationships, and teaches the practitioner to develop a harmonious and personal relationship with the living cosmos, leading him or her to be constantly nourished and empowered.

✤ Chaupi – The Middle Side [23/24 MARCH 2024] – 09.30/18.00 –
Conducted by Simone Giannini – at Yoga in Centro, Florence
Healing through birth, death, the integration of relationships and the power of love with willingness.
In this seminar the techniques belonging to the teachings of the master Don Andres Espinoza of Q’ero will be taught. The practices in this module teach how to activate the ability to heal oneself and others through the cultivation of the Munay, the power of the heart. Chaupi is the part of the tradition most related to healing, and therefore focuses on this life, the reality between birth and death and the energies we share with other human beings, transforming the reality of social relationships into a source of power and healing. Through work on opening and interconnecting energy centres and a sequence of collective practices and energy circles, we will experience the creative and healing potential of integrating ourselves and others.

✤ Lloque – The Left Side – date to be confirmed in April
The help of allies to activate the energetic core of the individual, manifest inner magical potential and transform our reality. In this module, techniques from the teachings of Don Melchor Deza of the Wasau community will be taught. This part of the teaching focuses on the use of energy to transform everyday reality in a concrete way, and is therefore considered the magical and practical side of the tradition. Working from within the human energy structure, the magical and transformative potential of the individual’s energy core is contacted. With the help of intelligent energy forms called allies, it is possible to refine, activate inner energies, and manifest them as true powers, moving energy through sight, voice and movement. After the work of connecting and integrating the energies of the cosmos with the right side, and the development of healing energy and relationships with the middle side, with the left side it is finally possible to acquire tools to manifest all qualities in an individual way, directly from the core of human potential, finally giving body and form to one’s own power personal power.


A professional Shiatsu operator, over the years he has experienced various energetic-spiritual paths, following an existential transformation. Among these, in addition to Shiatsu, the most important and formative have been Astroschamanism with Franco Santoro, Reiki, and finally the Andean Spiritual Tradition, which he has learnt and practised over the last seven years through the teachings of Massimo Romagnolo and Dario Astengo, and also receiving initiations and knowledge from several Andean masters from the Q’Ero nation. It is a learning and research that continues to this day, with the intention, in addition to pursuing personal growth, of supporting and helping people who need it to recover and maintain their energetic, psycho-physical and emotional balance and to follow their own evolutionary path.

Anthropologist, scholar of cosmovision, spirituality and ritual practices of indigenous peoples and archaic or traditional societies. He dedicates his research to the knowledge of living energy through different disciplines and spiritual traditions, discovering and devoting himself above all to shamanic arts. In addition to working with different shamans from various parts of South America, the Amazon from Siberia and the Himalayas, since 2008 he has been particularly dedicated to the Andean spiritual path, in which he was initiated and trained by Juan Nuñez Del Prado, and which he later deepened by travelling and living in the Andes, working directly with dozens of indigenous masters in their communities, receiving all their teachings and initiations from them. Author of the most recent discoveries on the Andean Mystical Tradition, he currently focuses his research in the regions of Q’eros, Ausangate, Cusco and the Sacred Valley of Cusco, the coast and islands of Lake Titicaca. In the course of his constant research, he lives travelling through these indigenous communities collecting teachings and learning the shamanic arts of these traditions.
For more information on Dario Astengo’s activities:


388 568 5064 – Jeremias Gabriel Cornejo –


Yoga in Centro will host the next BRAIN GYM 104 TRAINING course, whose flyer is attached.

With this course you will receive:

16 hours of IN-PRESENCE training, recognised by MIUR (with the possibility of also paying with DOCENTE CARDS)
In-depth knowledge of the 3 DIMENSIONS OF MOVEMENT that activate the learning potential of each person
The HANDBOOK with all 26 movements of BRAIN GYM 104
4 hours of in-the-job training and online supervision
CERTIFICATE from Breakthroughs International

THE COURSE will be held on 2 and 3 MARCH from 9 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. (with a lunch break from 1 p.m. to 2.30 p.m.).

Need more information? Contact Paola: +39 339 677 4009


17 November to 19 November 2023

Deep connection massage training

with Lisandro Maseret

Are you ready to transform the way you touch, connect and feel?

Yoga in the Centre is very happy to announce that Lisandro and Lucia have chosen our space for their special training.

This three-day intensive training, with 24 hours of practice, includes a full range of activities, techniques and tools that will make you feel confident and enthusiastic about sharing massage sessions. This training goes beyond the special technique itself.

Participating in the full training exponentially increases your knowledge of the techniques and movements, as well as the development of presence, intuition and quality of contact. But even more, it is a process of personal-interior-evolutionary development.

Secure a place at Deep Connection Massage Training and go deeper when engaging with another body, along with the cultivation of presence, intuition and quality of contact.


Saturday 21 October from 17.30 to 19.30
DANSSOUL, Emotional Free Dance

With Silvia Coll
With this cycle of DANSSOUL, Danza-libera Emotional we will begin our journey through the discovery of the 4 seasons in our lives as a personal journey.
With the movement of the body we will ‘feel’ how and where ‘our summer’ comes from, our manifestations in life, how we show ourselves in our wholeness, day after day.

What will we experience?

The characteristics of this season in our being.

The primordial elements of summer understood as sensations, energy, vibration and senses.

The colours this season brings and what energy it transmits to us.

The mature period of our life, the period of expressed talents, of outward manifestation through movement and rhythm of the body following our feeling. A portal of emotions that will be released like the sun when it shines and warms through every musical note.

What does the 4 seasons DansSoul cycle consist of?

DansSoul meetings always start with a theme, which is unravelled in a series of meetings that make up a cycle.

The cycle of the 4 seasons aims to immerse us in the journey of our life, in the different passages and experiences of our life journey. The 4 Seasons cycle wants to immerse us in the journey of our lives, in the different passages and experiences of our life journey. In rhythm with each season, with its characteristics and qualities, we will observe how we can be an active part of this evolutionary and experiential growth.

Spring will bring us the joviality and freshness of childhood and youth as it is when the first flowers are born and discover life for the first time

Summer will bring us the power of manifestation and energy; it is the time of great wholeness.

Autumn will envelop us with a calm air immersed in a more subtle, calm rhythm, in projection towards the interior as it happens in our world when the leaves fall.

With winter comes the need to look within, becoming primordial, a complete introspection to guard new seeds.
Contribution: € 25

Duration: 120 mins

For information and bookings: +39 333 311 2938 Silvia Coll

+39 333 311 2938


Family Constellations

FREE MEETING Monday 9 October at 9 p.m.

Family constellations are a method of raising awareness and consciousness of many issues that affect our lives. Through Family Constellations it is possible to bring to light the parts we do not see of situations that block our wellbeing, and through a process of restitution, they are brought back into balance and harmony.
The benefits are many and varied, the first being a feeling of lightness as if a weight has been let go. In the long term, rebalanced situations find a new balance and energy flows back into our lives.

PRACTICAL WORKSHOP Saturday 14 October 2 pm

The topics are very broad: family of origin, love, sexuality and couple relationships, self-fulfilment and success, symptoms and illness, children and parenting.


Contribution 90€ – Limited places

The seminar is led by Kailash Giacomo Vissani, Reiki Master and City of Light Facilitator, Akashic Records Reader, Counselor and Coach.

For info and enrolment:
346 4918211 Kailash –
347 6961312 Monica


DANSSOUL, Emotional Free Dance

New cycle of meetings starting in SEPTEMBER until DECEMBER one Saturday every three from 5.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.

“The soul is the catalyst that frees the deepest emotions through the body and its movement”.

Release your emotions in complete freedom through dance, free movement and your own rhythm. Take a moment for yourself, get out of rigidities and experience your inner world. Let your body describe who you are through notes and dance.

A cycle of 4 meetings dedicated to the 4 SEASONS:

1 meeting 30 September – SPRING

2 meeting 21 October – SUMMER

3 meeting 11 November – AUTUMN

4 meeting 2 December – WINTER

DansSoul meetings always start with a theme, which is unravelled in a series of meetings that make up a cycle. This cycle allows us, through the freedom of movement of the body, the inner quest and self-knowledge.

The cycle of the 4 seasons aims to immerse us in the journey of our life, in the different passages and experiences of our life journey. In rhythm with each season, with its characteristics and qualities, we will observe how we can be an active part of this evolutionary and experiential growth.

Spring will bring us the joviality and freshness of childhood and youth as it is when the first flowers are born and discover life for the first time.

Summer will bring us the power of manifestation and energy; it is the time of great wholeness.

Autumn will envelop us with a calm air immersed in a more subtle, calm rhythm, in projection towards the interior as it happens in our world when the first leaves begin to fall from the trees.

Then comes winter where the need to look inside becomes primordial, a complete introspection to guard the new seeds that will succeed again in the ‘new’ spring.

What is the DANSSOUL method?

It is a free dance/movement that enables us to connect to our personal energy and soul, using the body as the protagonist.

It is a technique that combines the movement of the body, the beauty of dance with cues from art such as colours, paintings, images, shapes, elements and above all words.

What is the aim of DANSSOUL?

The aim is to help the soul to express itself, giving space to one’s emotions that are often restricted by the rigidities of one’s life, achieving personal, energetic and above all spiritual well-being.

In essence, in DANSSOUL, one always starts with a theme, which is the key to unravelling it and being able to immerse oneself in it, where free movement is the pivot that gives space and visibility to the soul to free one’s emotions, which are often limited, controlled and sometimes, even imprisoned.

What are the benefits after a DANSSOUL meeting?

It allows you to get to know yourself, to be in touch with your emotions. It allows you to (re)know your soul by freeing your body, and to know your body by freeing your soul. The benefits are to (re)connect to your essence, to ‘make presence’ beyond the rigidity of life, taking a moment to feel your inner world.



Theoretical and practical workshop on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Therapeutic Qi Gong, open to women of all ages.
By Dr Amal Oursana

When? SATURDAY 10th June from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm

The course provides a theoretical explanation of traditional Chinese medicine and practical exercises on female issues of gynecological problems at all ages.

This method allows us to give tools to use on ourselves and others in order to harmonize the elements. It has a depurative action on the liver and blood. It is indicated in women to regulate hormonal and gynecological problems, limiting the signs associated with menstrual irregularities, fertility and menopause.

Qi Gong raises the energy level of the organs and meditation purifies the nerve centers connected to the organs that resonate with our traumas, such as the amygdala and hippocampus.
When we are in stability the spirits of the heart can progress in the right direction with clarity and consistency.

Amal Oursana, graduated in medicine and surgery at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in 2006, specialized in clinical pharmacology in Florence, after spending years in the cardiology department in Modena and in the headache center in Florence, She trained in Taoist Chinese medicine as an acupuncturist and therapeutic qigong instructor. He also took the path into the Sufi Way under the guidance of the Sufi master Sheykh Nazim.

The cost of participation in the seminar is € 60
Reservation required